I am proud to announce my association with composer and playwright Karen Kelm in the wonderful new two woman musical "Like a Fly in Amber"
I had the privilege to perform with Karen in the premiere of Like a Fly in Amber, creating the role of Grace, at the 2016 Fringe Festival in Toronto, Canada and at the Canadian Association of Gerontology Convention in Vancouver, Canada 2018
"Like a Fly in Amber" original cast recording is available on I-tunes and Amazon
Mooney on Theatre July 3/16
Kelm and Chertkow-Levy are fantastic actors and great singers.
Jewish Independent July 15/16
Both Judy and Karen have wonderful voices and perform their roles with heart and soul.
Additional Jewish musical recordings may be heard at the Judaica Sound Archives of Florida State
"Sing With Me" - High Holiday Highlights
I have focused recently on performing Jewish music as Art Song presenting Threads of Blue in concert at the Atheneaum Music and Arts Library in La Jolla, Ca.
As a Cantorial Soloist have lead Sabbath Services at Conservative and Reform congregations throughout the San Diego area and High Holiday Services in Troy, NY., Tallahassee, Fl., Burbank, Ca., Encinitas Ca., and Vancouver, Canada
Performed with San Diego Civic Light Opera (Starlight) in Fiddler on the Roof , Oklahoma and the Enchanted Cottage, San Diego Comic Opera in Pirates of Penzance and The Gypsy Baron, San Diego Opera Education Outreach in The Boy Who Ruled the Moon and the Sun, San Diego Opera and Vancouver Opera Choruses, Seattle Cirque Dinner Theater in Fiddler on the Roof and Zorba, Vancouver Theatre under the Stars in Fiddler on the Roof, Okanagan Symphony Verdi Requiem soprano soloist.
Appeared as "the opera singer" in made for tv movie "If You Believe"
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